About Us

Welcome to In Vino Veritas, your number one source for all things related to wines. We're dedicated to imparting you the very best of the wine world, with a focus on uncommon wine styles, unconventional producers and unparalleled quality-driven wines.

Founded in 2020 by a few passionate Sommeliers, In Vino Veritas has come a long way from its inception. When Nikhil, Ranjeet and I (Kevin) first started out, our love for wines propelled us to start this blog so that In Vino Veritas can offer you some fascinating information.

We hope you enjoy our articles as much as we enjoy writing them for you. If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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Nikhil Surve, Ranjit Shirke & Kevin Rodrigues.


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