Vine Cycle – A year in the Vineyard!

It is said that the best wine is made in the vineyard. Yes, that can be true as to make a quality wine the vineyard should be also maintained to an upmost quality. The Viticulturist strives very hard to maintain the vineyard. As without any human intervention in the vineyard the vines will grow in an uncontrolled manner. To keep the vineyard at par the viticulturist has to keep close attention to the vine cycle. So let’s speak a little bit more about the Vine Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere.

Bud Burst: The budburst is the beginning of the vine cycle, which happens in the spring usually towards the end of March to mid-April in spring. This happens when the temperature in the region exceeds 10ºC. But the budding also completely depends on the varietal you are planting, like Chardonnay and Pinot Noir buds at lower temperatures whereas Cabernet Sauvignon needs warmer temperature to bud. Varietals can be either early budding or late budding. 

@Bud Burst

Early Shoot and leaf growth: Here the shoot and leaves begin to grow, the leaves in turn help with the process of photosynthesis. Before this, the whole job is carried out by the carbohydrate reserve which is stored in the vine to survive the winter dormancy. The vines are suckered i.e. the some of the buds are removed to maintain quality of the final fruit.


Flowering and fruit set: This is the time when inflorescence starts flourishing the vines usually around the end of May and start of June. This needs to happen in the warmer condition and during this time rain can create a major impact as it may disrupt pollinations. Fruit sets will occur in mid-June when the flowers begin to develop into a grape. It is not like all the flower will develop into grape the some which might not develop may fall off the set. There is an unusual condition which is known to be as coulure which every viticulturist don't want in his vineyard. As coulure means non-pollination of flowers in this condition the yield of the vineyard reduces. 


@Flowering and Fruit Set

Veraison and Berry Ripening:
 This stage is very important as this is the time where the fruit set will turn into grapes. The grapes at the start are hard at this time and red and white grape the colour of both are green. Veraison is the time when the first bit of ripening is seen happening to the grape, during this time the colour of the grape skin starts changing. This happens towards the end of July and beginning of August in summer. At the time of ripening the sugar level of grape rises, in turn dropping the acid level of the grape. Colour pigment and tannins also develop at this time. This stage is very important and the viticulturist has to keep a close eye on the vineyard as the berries will speak the quality of the wine.

Harvest: When the grapes are properly ripened, the decision is been made on the harvest which is mainly in early September when it is autumn. Weather condition plays a very important part before the harvest. The weather should be dry as the rainfall can make the grape swell which can dilute the juice in the grape and also can promote rot.

Winter Dormancy: This is the time when the vines go in complete dormancy. The shoots become woody and from this point, they are known to be as canes. During this period the vines won't have any leaves so, no photosynthesis and it has to survive on its own. As mentioned earlier the Vine stores Carbohydrate in its root to survive this period. The vine is dormant, reducing its physiological activity to a minimum. During this period, the vineyard soil is ploughed to eliminate weeds and facilitate retention of water in the ground. Also, winter pruning is carried out to make the wines ready for the next wine cycle. Planting is performed between the end of winter and early spring to minimise the risk of frost damage and to take advantage of the rise in temperatures so that bud break takes place under the best possible conditions. 


The Vine cycle also is very much depended in which hemisphere the Vines are being planted. Both hemisphere the growing season starts in a different time altogether. Like if you are in the northern hemisphere the vine cycle will be from April to November, in the southern hemisphere, it will begin in August and end in July.

@Vine Cycle in the Northern Hemiphere.


Article by – Nikhil Surve, Certified Sommelier.


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